With a bye weekend recently for both u14 Ladies Football Teams, and shield finals to look forward to, the u14 girls took time out to enjoy a social Sunday afternoon on the (punt) golf course. Together with their mentors, 42 girls set off for 18 holes of foot golf with a punt kicking twist, including nearest the pin punt kick challenges (including one whilst blindfolded), timed solo and hand passing races from tee to hole, and many other variations straight off the training ground.

It was a really super outing and was a brilliant way to combine team building, fun and a catch up with their team mates away from training and matches, while keeping their skills in check.

All in all it proved to be great afternoon, and a fun filled way to hone their kicking skills, all topped off with pizza, and fuelled by plenty of chocolate and jellies. Both teams play their Shield Finals this weekend, Sunday 24th October and we wish them the very best of luck!