Faoi threoir Glór Cheantar Naithí, tá oíche shóisialta sa chlubtheach Dé hAoine 16ú ó 20:30 ar agahaidh. Fáilte roimh chách. Tar go Naomh Eoin agus bain úsáid as do “cúpla focail”. Tá oifigeach Gaeilge & Cultúr James Aherne mar pháirt den ghrúpa Glór Cheantar Naithí; “teastaíonn uainn daoine a chur ar an eolas go bhfuil neart áis ann chun an ghaeilge a húsáid sa cheantar. Má tá tú ag cur tús le do Ghaeilge nó má tá tú líofa. Tá an-áthas orm go bhfuil an chlub ag tacú le Glór Cheantar Naithí, a rinne an-chuid iarracht le neartú an teanga sa cheantar le blianta anuas. Déan iarracht le do thoil teacht ar an 16ú chun bualadh le cairde nua agus Gaeilge a úsáid.”
Glór Naithí are hosting a social evening on Friday 16th from 20:30. Come down to the clubhouse and use cúpla focail Gaeilge. All levels of Irish very welcome. Irish language and culture officer James Aherne is part of the newly re-established Glór Cheantar Naithí group; “we really want to let people know that there are plenty of opportunities within the local area to use your Irish. Whether you are a total beginner, or a fluent speaker. I’m delighted that the club are working with Glór Cheantar Naithí, who have had such a significant impact on the use of the Irish language in our community for many many years. Please do your best to come to the clubhouse on the 16th to meet others and speak some Irish.”