Francie a native of Carrigallen in Co Leitrim joined up in Summer of 82 as a mentor with the under 10 football team. He later was involved with the then new Junior Football team.
He was involved in all areas of club activity. Fundraising, linesman, Social functions, club lotto, BSJ coffee morning club, Almost 20 yrs on the BSJ Bingo admin team.
An ardent sideline supporter of the Tangerine and Black every weekend.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal. Ní fheicimid a leithéid arís ann.
Mick Wren.

Francie, pictured 6th from right, at BSJs Laying Down our Roots Ceremony in January 2022, where we planted 40 trees for 40 years.

Francie loved to watch our teams play and is pictured above with Sean Lane, no doubt discussing a match.